If validation fails, the error message associated with the failing validation method for the object is added to an error list. 如果检验失败,那么把与失败的对象检验方法相关联的错误消息添加到错误列表。
Your Apache error logs may list the reason. Apache错误日志会列出原因。
Validation errors appear in the error list window so you can review and resolve them. 验证错误显示在“错误列表”窗口中,以便您可以查看和解决这些错误。
A shortcut connected to the corresponding task item in the error list. 连接到“错误列表”中相应任务项的快捷方式。
You can only read the error list while a serialization session is active. 序列化会话处于活动状态时,您只能读取错误列表。
Program error: Profile list box is single selection status only. 程序错误:配置文件列表框仅为单选状态。
The specific warning is suppressed and the warning appears with a strike through in the error list window. 将禁止显示特定警告,并且此类警告在“错误列表”窗口中显示时会带有一条删除线。
Error updating the list of administrators: you cannot remove the last administrator. 更新管理员列表错误:不能删除最后一位管理员。
Depending on the developer profile you chose, you might have to point to other windows on the view menu, and then click error list. 根据选择的开发人员配置文件,您可能必须指向“视图”菜单上的“其他窗口”,然后单击“错误列表”。
Other violations of the same warning will still be reported in the error list window. “错误列表”窗口中仍会报告相同警告的其他冲突。
Error getting profile list from TPM service. 从tpm服务获取配置文件列表时出错。
Error in set list in update clause. update子句集合列表错误。
If you have a web profile applied, the error list menu item will be in the view menu. 如果应用了web配置文件,“错误列表”菜单项则在“视图”菜单中。
The server explorer, toolbox, task list, and error list windows are hidden and docked. 服务器资源管理器、工具箱、“任务列表”和“错误列表”窗口则是隐藏的,并已停靠。
If you want extra debugging help, you can choose to Show Warnings in the Error List window by clicking in the appropriate box. 如果你想获得更多的调试帮助,你可以选择错误列表窗口中的显示警告选项。
An error occurred retrieving the list of stored procedures. 检索存储过程列表时出错。
If the error list window is not visible, in the view menu, click error list. 如果“错误列表”窗口不可见,请在“查看”菜单中单击“错误列表”。
In the error list, select multiple warnings, and then right-click the warnings. 在“错误列表”中,选择多个警告,然后右击这些警告。
As well as sending information to the output pane, failing tests also get added to the Error List. 在将信息发送到输出空格同时,测试失败时错误信息也会添加到错误列表窗格。
The results of the check are displayed in the error list window. 检查结果显示在“错误列表”窗口中。
After deploying the model, check the error list to see if there are any warnings or errors. 部署模型之后,请检查错误列表以查看是否有警告或错误消息。
Usage Analysis Wizard: Error in initializing report list. 使用分析向导:初始化报表列表时出错。
Error: no list was specified in the request. 错误:请求中没有指定列表。
The error list window is displayed. 将显示“错误列表”窗口。
Error exporting the PivotTable list to excel. 将数据透视表列表导出到excel时出错。
Use the following procedure to clear validation errors from the error list. 使用以下过程清除“错误列表”中的验证错误。
The Least Center of Circle Error Method of List Data in NC Manufacturing and Its Soft Implementing 数控加工列表数据拟合的最小圆心差法及软件实现
Unreasonable ambiguities are rejected according to base-line and the best ambiguity is achieved by error list and the historical test is introduced. 利用基线约束剔除不合理的整周模糊度组合,通过残差列表获取最优模糊度,并引入历史检测。
Finally, elaborated the system error list system application examples. 最后还阐述了系统误单子系统的的应用实例。